Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to pick out the American?

How to find your own among a sea of Vikings?  A game for those yanks abroad.

1) White Trainers (or as the Yanks say, Tennis Shoes)? with Socks?  Do they look like they are going to the gym, but they aren't.  Clear sign #1.

2) Big Shiny New Baseball Caps.  Do they look like a walking billboard for a sports team, brands or places they have visited? Are they supporting their employer, does it say #1 DAD?  Yah, no one else does that.  Just Americans.  The rest of the world wear sunglasses, by the way.

3) Affiliated Coats.  Walking billboard, once again.  Are you advertising people?

4) Crocs.  According to 99% of the world outside of the USA, Crocs are for gardening.

5) Overly Casual.  In T-Shirt & faded Jeans when everyone else is in Khaki's or Crisp Dressier Jeans & Polos or Button Downs.

 6) Camouflage.  Enough said.

 7)  Pump up the Volume.  Can you hear him/her the whole way across the restaurant?  Typical new-to-abroad American trait.  You can't hear the very intense conversation at the table just 2 feet away from you; but you can hear every word the American is saying the whole way across the room. Yah, be shhh....  Tone it down, lady.

8)  Complaining about things being different than home.  America is only the greatest country in the world, if you are from America or trying to immigrate there.  There is nothing wrong with things being a bit different.  If they are complaining about the smallest of differences, yah probably American.  Example of an American at a cafe:  "Why is there no sugar and milk for my coffee?,  Why is the service so slow?,  Why is it so expensive?  I shouldn't have to pay for water and ice.  Bring me Tap Water. In America these things are free.  In America the service is better, in America....  blah blah"  You get the point.

9)  Fanny Packs. Big no no.  Would you wear one at home, then why do you wear one here?'

10) Cannot use their knifes and forks without switching hands and having to put them down constantly.  Americans!, look around, there is a better way.

I do some of these things, I am loud, I wear my tennis shoes when my feet hurt, I definitely complain.  But, it's ok, because I recognize that I am American.

Hope you have enjoyed the spotting game.  Have a great day!

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