Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pink Cow NYR #8

I've been so busy pumping up all my wedding posts from last year, and filling in the holes.  That I have totally been ignoring the "here and now."

Plus, I have another excuse.  My husband has been sick, so we haven't been getting out much.  Not that being sutck at home hurts my feelings too much, the rain kinda puts a damper on my desire to go conquer the world.  Or leave the house basically. lol

As part of trying to decorate our new house here in Norway, I took the opportunity to get to painting.  Here is my cow.  And whats extra great about him, I started to conquer my New Years Resolutions.  #8  Paint Pretty Pictures.

I really like him.  He is going to be a very proud hung cow, once, I find a place for him.  :)


  1. I'm so envious! I'm desperate to arty up our apartment but we just haven't got the cash for it at the moment, sadly although I can (sort of) draw I cannot paint to save my life!

    He's cute though. grats on the new art!

  2. I know art supplies are expensive. There is quite a lot of competition in Stavanger, tons of stores sell basic supplies. I've been doing lots of shopping around.

    If it makes you feel better, I think me and my mom are the only one's that think what I paint is awesome, lol. Plus, I can't draw to save my life, but paint is forgiving.
